Some people are blessed with a soul-deep friendship. Thank you fo##r being my soul friend! I wish you a beautiful special day!
Happy Birthday to the only guy I know who is almost as awesom##e as I am. I know how hard it is to be humble.
You are the be@@st friend anyone could ever want. I hope your birthda##y brings much joy and that your wishes come true.
Whenever someone asks me who my best friend is, I imme##diately think of you. Hope your birthday is as amazing as you are!
I can always count on my best friend for a shoul##der to lean on, so for your birthday, let’s get some drinks and celebrate. In return, I will be your shoulder to lean on at the end of the night.
You are charming, compassionate, intelligent and strong. The best thing is that you are also my best friend. Happy special day!
Cake, candles, greeting cards, gifts, and all the trappings of the birthday tradition, don’t come close to what I wish for you on your special day.
Happy Birthday to the friend who has been there through it all. I don’t know where I would be without you. This is your special day, so let’s make it memorable!
Friends like you don’t come along every day. That’s## why I want to make sure on your Birthday you know how much you’re loved and appreciated.
From you I have learned so much, including what friend##ship really means. I am so grateful for the day you were born.
Happy birthday to my best friend: the one who laugh##s at my jokes and cries with me during my heartaches. I love you, and will always be here for you.
Trouble is coming to the city, because it’s your bi##rthday and we are going to celebrate a night on the town like there’s no tomorrow! Have a happy and fun-filled birthday, buddy!
Very few people have the chance to have such## dedicated and trustworthy friend like you. I am happy that I found you, so I just want to wish you today a sincere and loving “Happy Birthday”! Best regards!
I didn’t know it at the time, but the day you were born would be one of the best days of my life! Happy Birthday to my best friend!
Hey! It’s your Birthday! So what better time to celebrate all the many reasons I consider you to be my Best Friend? Hope you have a terrific day!
100 Funny Birthday Wishes for Friends
Today is a day to celebrate your birthday, but ##on this very special day I want you to know how much I appreciate our friendship.
I’ve had plenty of fair-weather friends pass th##rough my life, but you stuck with me even when I was at my lowest time. On your Birthday I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your loyal friendship.
Happy birthday dear friend, I pray that m##ay you float through all the year with the brightest smile on your face and I hope that this year would be the greatest year of your life.
Birthday Gift Ideas for Friends
My life is so much richer with you in it. I am so glad to have a best friend like you. I hope your day is blessed and beautiful.
Best friends are supposed to share everything with each other, so I am celebrating and sharing your birthday with you like it’s my own. I celebrate the beautiful friendship we share! Happy Birthday, buddy!
Thanks for always being so loyal and trustworthy. I hope you have the kind of terrific Birthday that you deserve!
Only a true friend can stand by me t##hrough thick and thin. Thank you for always being someone I can trust. I wish you the happiest of birthdays!
I hope you never forget that I am ##your best friend, and am always here for you. True friends are hard to find, but here we are. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day!
To the most amazing person of the ##world, a very happy birthday with the brightest smiles and love of the entire world.
We’ve shared so much with each other, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I am grateful for this day and for all you do.
Happy birthday to the most amazing person of my life may ##my friend got all that he/she ever desired and may you have all the best moments waiting ahead this year for you.
From the moment we met, I knew we would be ##best friends. ##It is as if you are a part of my soul family, and I recognized you right away. Happy Birthday!
Birthday Greeting Cards
A birthday is only once a year, but our friendship is very special and meaningful to me every day. Today, on your birthday, I want you to be happy, so you can count on me to make your day a happy and memorable one.
Your age is just a wonderful reminder of all the amazing years we spent together. I hope to have many more to come, in the company of my best friend! Best wishes and regards for this special day!
Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday
When we were kids, I never dreamed we’d grow up together and that I’d get to experience so much with you. I hope I get to help you celebrate many more birthdays!
People come and go in life, but best friends ##always stay. I am grateful to celebrate this day with you.
200 Birthday Wishes
You came into my life and never left. I ###value our friendship more than you could ever imagine. Happy Birthday! This is your special day!
Happy birthday to the one person who## knows me better than anyone in the world. Let’s make your day a special one that we will talk about for years to come.
Sweet Birthday Messages and Gift Ideas
Today I am taking my day off! You know why##Because I intend to celebrate the most beautiful and generous person in my life! You, my friend! Happy Birthday!
Good friends are hard to find but now that I## have found you I’m not letting go of the wonderful friendship we have. Today on your birthday I want to prove how happy I am to have you in my life.
When all the dust settles and all the smoke clears, I know you’ll be here for many more years. Happy Birthday to you, and may all your dreams ##come true!
Sending bunches of birthday wish##es to my best friend on one of the most importance days of the year. May you be blessed today and throughout the year with nothing but joy and happiness.
Happy Birthday....
Out of all my friends yo##u are the best and you deserve the very best on this very special day. Happy birthday dear friend!
To my best friend I hope your birthday grants you all the wishes that you hoped for and all the happiness in the world.
You make me smile when I am sad; you tell me jokes when I’ve had a stressful day. I just want to take today to thank you for all that you do for me and return the favor of making you happy on your birthday
Today is your birthday so today is all about you. Let’s celebrate you and your special day!
My best friend is ###my partner in crime, today is a day of celebration and trouble making for this best friend duo. Happy Birthday.
R##oses are red and violets are blue, I’m s##o honored to have a best friend like you. Sending you plenty of love and luck on your birthday###
##Because today is your birthday, I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed the most, for being my shoulder to cry on, for having the best ##laughter together and just for being such a good friend! Thank you ##once more and Happy Birthday!
Birthdays will come and go but I’m your best friend and I’ll always remain by your side cheering you on and supporting you in all the decisions life brings your way.
E###verything in life happens for a reason, I believe we were put into each others lives to be best friends. I love you and hope your birthday brings## you all the wonderful things you deserve.
I wish a very Happy birthday to my closest friend. May you be filled with joy and surrounded by people who love and appreciate you.
###Birthdays are a special occasion celebrating your ##entry into this wonderful world. Enjoy your special day and rejoice in the gift of life, family and ##friends.
##For my best friend on their birthday, may the stars align just right for the perfect night of celebration. I love you and hope your day is everything you hoped for##
For your birthday, I wanted to get you something to remind you of your youth, but they were sold out of cave art and dinosaur bones.
A lighter? We’re going to need a flame-thrower to light up your candles.
If I have to tie you up and swing a light over your head until you talk, I will. Eventually, you’ll spill the location of that Fountain of Youth you’ve found!
Actually, I wanted to get you something super great, super terrific, unique and beautiful for your birthday, but I don’t fit into the envelope.
Age is a high price to pay for maturity.
They say that at your age, birthday cocktails should be replaced with nutritional smoothies. Thank goodness we never listen to what they say.
Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.
I don’t know how you do it. You don’t look a year older than 185! Happy Birthday to the best friend, ever!
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Happy Birthday on your very special day, I hope that you don’t die before you eat your cake. You’re another year older and another year wiser. So put your brain to work and figure out there isn’t no gift for you.
Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life said Kitty Collins. Be glad you’re doing it gracefully.
Don’t think of it as getting older, think of it as becoming a classic.
100 Funny Birthday Wishes for Friends
written in real small textYou’re not old until you can’t read this writing any more.
You’re older. You’re wiser. You’re sophist~~icated. You’re far too mature to be concerned with material things like presents.
Happy birthday
Celebration time: Happy birthday, you old bag!
Come on, don’t be like this. You have~~ survived this year. Although you’re older, trust me it’s better than the alternative.
Most Popular Birthday Wishes
Congratulations on your birthday! Remember: Today, no sex! Because you need all your energy to blow out the candles!
Count your blessings, not your wrinkles.
It’s your birthday, and I must say, y~~ou certainly take the cake! And the ice cream. And all the rest of the snacks. Slow down and save some for the rest of us!
Don’t feel uncomfortable about yo~~ur age. We will all one day get as old as you are.
Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday
Don’t forget to wear your birthday suit….but check it for wrinkles first!
Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses wh~~en the cake is served. Happy birthday.
200 Birthday Wishes
An old fart is as good as a new one….
Enjoy your birthday cake today since t~~omorrow we’ll return to judging you based on every single morsel you ingest.
Birthday Greeting Cards
Few women admit their a~~ge. Few men act theirs.
Forget about the past, you can’t change it, forget about the future, you can’t predict it, forget about the present, I didn’t get you one!
Forget your past, it’s already done. Forget your present, too; because I forgot.
Friends may come and go, but birthdays just accumulate.
George Carlin said that. Don’t ask me what i~~t means. You wanted something unique for your birthday, yo~~u got it.
Happiness is like peeing in your~~ pants, ev~~eryone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth. And that’s what you feel today. Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday to a man who is really younger than he looks.
Happy birthday to a person who is ~~smart, ~~good looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself.
Happy birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You ~~look like a monkey. And you smell like one too
Happy~~ Birthday! It’s about time you start acting like your real age~~
Happy Birthday~~The inevitable came a ~~year closer~~
Happy Birthday! You look fine for a person who is by one year closer to death.
Happy Birthday! You’re one year closer to your death day.
Happy Birthday, but what’s your secret; a time ~machine or ~~something~~
Happy Birthday, you’re not getting older you~~’re just a little closer to death.
Happy Birthday. I promise I won’t tell~~ how old you really are!
Have fun as much as you can, but no~~t too much, because you are in a vulnerable age.
~~Have you ever try to get yourself in a fridge and see what happens? It’s ok you can light up all your candles now? we all have a glass of water in our hands.
Hmm~~I do not know why, but I had a ~strong urge to send you a text message! But why? I know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~
Hoping that you can find all the strength and ~~courage needed… to blow all of the candles out.
Hoping you dance the night away or at leas~~t watch other people dance late into the night, or at least stay awake
I didn’t forget your birthday. I just fo~rgot today’s date!
I figured out, what’s the most difficult thing~` to do. I think it’s the counting of your wrinkles. It’s impossible to find one.
I think we’re going to need a bigger ~~cake to fit all your candles.
I wanted to give you something unique, grand and loving on your birthday! But I just did not fit on the screen!
I was trying to think o~f what to get you for your birthday but nothing came to mind.
I wish you all t~`he best, for another 100 years here on earth!
I’m at an a~~ge ~~when my back goes out more than I do.
I’m just here for the cake.
I’m not going to mak~~e any age related jokes, because in fact I feel a little pity about how old you are.
~~If someone comes up with the idea to call you old: th~en hit him with your stick and throw him your teeth! Happy Birthday~~
If you want to look youn~~g and thin on your birthday. Hang around a bunch of old fat people.
I’ll always think of you as s~~omeone older than~~ me. Happy Birthday.
You must have one of the best plastic surgeons. There is no other explanation.
You recognize the fact that you’re ge~~tting older when the candles cost more than the birthday cake.
You think you are old? You’re not old~~you were old last year, this year you’re ancient.
You think you’re something special ~because it’s your birthday today? You’re something special every day!
You would have loved the gift I ~didn’t bother getting you.
You’re birthday reminds me of the old Chinese scholar.. Yung No Mo
You’re not 40, you’re eig~~hteen with 22 years of experience!
You’re so old whe~n you look at your birth certificate it said expired
You’re a ha~~rd person to shop for, so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday.
You’re n~~ot forty; you’re eighteen with twenty two years of experience.
##You’re not getting older. Y##ou’re just a little closer to ##dying! ~~Happy ~~anniversary~~ of your umbilical cord ~~separation~~
Happy Birthday to the only guy I know who is almost as awesom##e as I am. I know how hard it is to be humble.
You are the be@@st friend anyone could ever want. I hope your birthda##y brings much joy and that your wishes come true.
Whenever someone asks me who my best friend is, I imme##diately think of you. Hope your birthday is as amazing as you are!
I can always count on my best friend for a shoul##der to lean on, so for your birthday, let’s get some drinks and celebrate. In return, I will be your shoulder to lean on at the end of the night.
You are charming, compassionate, intelligent and strong. The best thing is that you are also my best friend. Happy special day!
Cake, candles, greeting cards, gifts, and all the trappings of the birthday tradition, don’t come close to what I wish for you on your special day.
Happy Birthday to the friend who has been there through it all. I don’t know where I would be without you. This is your special day, so let’s make it memorable!
Friends like you don’t come along every day. That’s## why I want to make sure on your Birthday you know how much you’re loved and appreciated.
From you I have learned so much, including what friend##ship really means. I am so grateful for the day you were born.
Happy birthday to my best friend: the one who laugh##s at my jokes and cries with me during my heartaches. I love you, and will always be here for you.
Trouble is coming to the city, because it’s your bi##rthday and we are going to celebrate a night on the town like there’s no tomorrow! Have a happy and fun-filled birthday, buddy!
Very few people have the chance to have such## dedicated and trustworthy friend like you. I am happy that I found you, so I just want to wish you today a sincere and loving “Happy Birthday”! Best regards!
I didn’t know it at the time, but the day you were born would be one of the best days of my life! Happy Birthday to my best friend!
Hey! It’s your Birthday! So what better time to celebrate all the many reasons I consider you to be my Best Friend? Hope you have a terrific day!
100 Funny Birthday Wishes for Friends
Today is a day to celebrate your birthday, but ##on this very special day I want you to know how much I appreciate our friendship.
I’ve had plenty of fair-weather friends pass th##rough my life, but you stuck with me even when I was at my lowest time. On your Birthday I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your loyal friendship.
Happy birthday dear friend, I pray that m##ay you float through all the year with the brightest smile on your face and I hope that this year would be the greatest year of your life.
Birthday Gift Ideas for Friends
My life is so much richer with you in it. I am so glad to have a best friend like you. I hope your day is blessed and beautiful.
Best friends are supposed to share everything with each other, so I am celebrating and sharing your birthday with you like it’s my own. I celebrate the beautiful friendship we share! Happy Birthday, buddy!
Thanks for always being so loyal and trustworthy. I hope you have the kind of terrific Birthday that you deserve!
Only a true friend can stand by me t##hrough thick and thin. Thank you for always being someone I can trust. I wish you the happiest of birthdays!
I hope you never forget that I am ##your best friend, and am always here for you. True friends are hard to find, but here we are. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day!
To the most amazing person of the ##world, a very happy birthday with the brightest smiles and love of the entire world.
We’ve shared so much with each other, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I am grateful for this day and for all you do.
Happy birthday to the most amazing person of my life may ##my friend got all that he/she ever desired and may you have all the best moments waiting ahead this year for you.
From the moment we met, I knew we would be ##best friends. ##It is as if you are a part of my soul family, and I recognized you right away. Happy Birthday!
Birthday Greeting Cards
A birthday is only once a year, but our friendship is very special and meaningful to me every day. Today, on your birthday, I want you to be happy, so you can count on me to make your day a happy and memorable one.
Your age is just a wonderful reminder of all the amazing years we spent together. I hope to have many more to come, in the company of my best friend! Best wishes and regards for this special day!
Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday
When we were kids, I never dreamed we’d grow up together and that I’d get to experience so much with you. I hope I get to help you celebrate many more birthdays!
People come and go in life, but best friends ##always stay. I am grateful to celebrate this day with you.
200 Birthday Wishes
You came into my life and never left. I ###value our friendship more than you could ever imagine. Happy Birthday! This is your special day!
Happy birthday to the one person who## knows me better than anyone in the world. Let’s make your day a special one that we will talk about for years to come.
Sweet Birthday Messages and Gift Ideas
Today I am taking my day off! You know why##Because I intend to celebrate the most beautiful and generous person in my life! You, my friend! Happy Birthday!
Good friends are hard to find but now that I## have found you I’m not letting go of the wonderful friendship we have. Today on your birthday I want to prove how happy I am to have you in my life.
When all the dust settles and all the smoke clears, I know you’ll be here for many more years. Happy Birthday to you, and may all your dreams ##come true!
Sending bunches of birthday wish##es to my best friend on one of the most importance days of the year. May you be blessed today and throughout the year with nothing but joy and happiness.
Happy Birthday....
Out of all my friends yo##u are the best and you deserve the very best on this very special day. Happy birthday dear friend!
To my best friend I hope your birthday grants you all the wishes that you hoped for and all the happiness in the world.
You make me smile when I am sad; you tell me jokes when I’ve had a stressful day. I just want to take today to thank you for all that you do for me and return the favor of making you happy on your birthday
Today is your birthday so today is all about you. Let’s celebrate you and your special day!
My best friend is ###my partner in crime, today is a day of celebration and trouble making for this best friend duo. Happy Birthday.
R##oses are red and violets are blue, I’m s##o honored to have a best friend like you. Sending you plenty of love and luck on your birthday###
##Because today is your birthday, I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed the most, for being my shoulder to cry on, for having the best ##laughter together and just for being such a good friend! Thank you ##once more and Happy Birthday!
Birthdays will come and go but I’m your best friend and I’ll always remain by your side cheering you on and supporting you in all the decisions life brings your way.
E###verything in life happens for a reason, I believe we were put into each others lives to be best friends. I love you and hope your birthday brings## you all the wonderful things you deserve.
I wish a very Happy birthday to my closest friend. May you be filled with joy and surrounded by people who love and appreciate you.
###Birthdays are a special occasion celebrating your ##entry into this wonderful world. Enjoy your special day and rejoice in the gift of life, family and ##friends.
##For my best friend on their birthday, may the stars align just right for the perfect night of celebration. I love you and hope your day is everything you hoped for##
For your birthday, I wanted to get you something to remind you of your youth, but they were sold out of cave art and dinosaur bones.
A lighter? We’re going to need a flame-thrower to light up your candles.
If I have to tie you up and swing a light over your head until you talk, I will. Eventually, you’ll spill the location of that Fountain of Youth you’ve found!
Actually, I wanted to get you something super great, super terrific, unique and beautiful for your birthday, but I don’t fit into the envelope.
Age is a high price to pay for maturity.
They say that at your age, birthday cocktails should be replaced with nutritional smoothies. Thank goodness we never listen to what they say.
Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.
I don’t know how you do it. You don’t look a year older than 185! Happy Birthday to the best friend, ever!
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.
Happy Birthday on your very special day, I hope that you don’t die before you eat your cake. You’re another year older and another year wiser. So put your brain to work and figure out there isn’t no gift for you.
Aging seems to be the only available way to live a long life said Kitty Collins. Be glad you’re doing it gracefully.
Don’t think of it as getting older, think of it as becoming a classic.
100 Funny Birthday Wishes for Friends
written in real small textYou’re not old until you can’t read this writing any more.
You’re older. You’re wiser. You’re sophist~~icated. You’re far too mature to be concerned with material things like presents.
Happy birthday
Celebration time: Happy birthday, you old bag!
Come on, don’t be like this. You have~~ survived this year. Although you’re older, trust me it’s better than the alternative.
Most Popular Birthday Wishes
Congratulations on your birthday! Remember: Today, no sex! Because you need all your energy to blow out the candles!
Count your blessings, not your wrinkles.
It’s your birthday, and I must say, y~~ou certainly take the cake! And the ice cream. And all the rest of the snacks. Slow down and save some for the rest of us!
Don’t feel uncomfortable about yo~~ur age. We will all one day get as old as you are.
Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday
Don’t forget to wear your birthday suit….but check it for wrinkles first!
Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses wh~~en the cake is served. Happy birthday.
200 Birthday Wishes
An old fart is as good as a new one….
Enjoy your birthday cake today since t~~omorrow we’ll return to judging you based on every single morsel you ingest.
Birthday Greeting Cards
Few women admit their a~~ge. Few men act theirs.
Forget about the past, you can’t change it, forget about the future, you can’t predict it, forget about the present, I didn’t get you one!
Forget your past, it’s already done. Forget your present, too; because I forgot.
Friends may come and go, but birthdays just accumulate.
George Carlin said that. Don’t ask me what i~~t means. You wanted something unique for your birthday, yo~~u got it.
Happiness is like peeing in your~~ pants, ev~~eryone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth. And that’s what you feel today. Happy Birthday.
Happy birthday to a man who is really younger than he looks.
Happy birthday to a person who is ~~smart, ~~good looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself.
Happy birthday to you. You live in a zoo. You ~~look like a monkey. And you smell like one too
Happy~~ Birthday! It’s about time you start acting like your real age~~
Happy Birthday~~The inevitable came a ~~year closer~~
Happy Birthday! You look fine for a person who is by one year closer to death.
Happy Birthday! You’re one year closer to your death day.
Happy Birthday, but what’s your secret; a time ~machine or ~~something~~
Happy Birthday, you’re not getting older you~~’re just a little closer to death.
Happy Birthday. I promise I won’t tell~~ how old you really are!
Have fun as much as you can, but no~~t too much, because you are in a vulnerable age.
~~Have you ever try to get yourself in a fridge and see what happens? It’s ok you can light up all your candles now? we all have a glass of water in our hands.
Hmm~~I do not know why, but I had a ~strong urge to send you a text message! But why? I know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~
Hoping that you can find all the strength and ~~courage needed… to blow all of the candles out.
Hoping you dance the night away or at leas~~t watch other people dance late into the night, or at least stay awake
I didn’t forget your birthday. I just fo~rgot today’s date!
I figured out, what’s the most difficult thing~` to do. I think it’s the counting of your wrinkles. It’s impossible to find one.
I think we’re going to need a bigger ~~cake to fit all your candles.
I wanted to give you something unique, grand and loving on your birthday! But I just did not fit on the screen!
I was trying to think o~f what to get you for your birthday but nothing came to mind.
I wish you all t~`he best, for another 100 years here on earth!
I’m at an a~~ge ~~when my back goes out more than I do.
I’m just here for the cake.
I’m not going to mak~~e any age related jokes, because in fact I feel a little pity about how old you are.
~~If someone comes up with the idea to call you old: th~en hit him with your stick and throw him your teeth! Happy Birthday~~
If you want to look youn~~g and thin on your birthday. Hang around a bunch of old fat people.
I’ll always think of you as s~~omeone older than~~ me. Happy Birthday.
You must have one of the best plastic surgeons. There is no other explanation.
You recognize the fact that you’re ge~~tting older when the candles cost more than the birthday cake.
You think you are old? You’re not old~~you were old last year, this year you’re ancient.
You think you’re something special ~because it’s your birthday today? You’re something special every day!
You would have loved the gift I ~didn’t bother getting you.
You’re birthday reminds me of the old Chinese scholar.. Yung No Mo
You’re not 40, you’re eig~~hteen with 22 years of experience!
You’re so old whe~n you look at your birth certificate it said expired
You’re a ha~~rd person to shop for, so I didn’t get you anything. Happy birthday.
You’re n~~ot forty; you’re eighteen with twenty two years of experience.
##You’re not getting older. Y##ou’re just a little closer to ##dying! ~~Happy ~~anniversary~~ of your umbilical cord ~~separation~~
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