Gujarati Motivational Quotes

⧭मुश्केलीओ रू थी भरेला
कोथळा जेवी होय छे.
जो जोया ज करो तो बहु भारे
देखाशे,पण जो उपाडी लेशो
तो हळवीफूल ज होय छे⬋⬋⬋⬋

⧭⧭I truly believe that we can overcome any
hurdle that lies before us and
create the life we want to live. I have seen
it happen time and time again.
The difficulties of life are ⬉⬉⬉intended to make us better, not bitter.

⧭⧭तमे तमारा सपना साकार
नहिं करो, तो कोई
तमारी पासे पोताना सपना
साकार करावशे

⧭⧭Follow your dreams or you will spend the rest of
your life working for someone who did⬳⬳⬳
