Encouragement Messages For You Sms 2017

A word of encouragement
from a true p@erson during failure,
is worth more than
an hour of praise
by anyone after success!!

The Journey of Life

The Journey of Life
is with many twists & turns
But with Faith & Courage
no obstacle !can stop you
from reaching your goals
Keep faith, peace & kindness
in your heart & you shall always shine.

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Everybody in your Boat is Rowing


When you come to the End


Every set back is a set up

Every set back
is a set up
for come back.

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine


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Hardships prepare you

often p@repare
Ordinary People
for an

No one to Encourage

If you have no one to
encourage you
instead of using that as
an exc@use for failure
encourage yourself
and use that as a reason
why you must succeed.

You do not always Win

Your Battles
You Fought.

Be All In...

There is no

Never Try to Go Back
And Rep@air The Past,
That Is Impossible,
Be Prepared To Construct
The Future Which Is Predictable...
Have A Splendid Day

Mistakes increases your experience

Mistakes increases your experience
and experiences@ decreases your mistakes.
If u learn from your mistakes,
then others learn from your success.

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Being the Best..!

Success lies not in the
result but @in the effort,
Being the best is not at all important,
Doing the best is all that matters.

Nothing great ever achieved...!

Nevr get discouraged,
Bcoz nothng gr8 is ever
Achieved wi@thout patience & hope.
Remembr, it is often d last key in
D bunch dat opens d door.

Maintain the Belief systems

If people maintain the belief
systems th!at empower them,
They'll keep coming back with
enough action and enough
Resourcefulness to succeed eventually.

Swimming against the Tides

Most of us, swimming against the
tides of trouble the world knows nothing about,
Need only a bit !of praise or encouragement
And we will make the goal.

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Leaders born in difficulty

In times of difficulty some ppl breakdown....
Some ppl br!eak records....
Leaders r born in difficulty
not in comfort zones...!!

God never test an Incapable person

God never test an incapable person.
If you are going th!ru testing times,
Just know that god considers you capable
Of handling the situation have a blessed day.

Faith is the first thing

Faith is the very first thing
you should pack in a hope chest.

Encourage Me...

Flatter me, and I may not believe you.
Criticize me, and!may not forgive you.
Encourage me, and I may not forget you.

Any man's life will be filled
with constant and Unexpected encouragement
if he makes u!p his mind
To do his level best each day.

To give up the Good

Don't be afraid to give up
the good to go for the great.

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When you start any deed...

When you start any deed
maintain the t!nd possible efforts
From starting to ending.
Then success will be sure to you

Decide what you want

Decide what you want ..
Believe you !can have it,
Believe you deserve it,
Believe it’s possible for you.

Meet your Self-worth

I am not a financial planner,
not a psychiatrist,
But i do know that your net
worth w!ill rise to
Meet your self-worth only
if your self-worth rises to
Accept what can be yours.

Challenge the Pros

Don't be afraid to
challenge!the pros,
Even in their own backyard.

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Never let the odds...

Never let the odds
keep you fr!om doing what
You know in your heart
You Were Meant To Do.

People not smart enough

Some of the world's greatest feats
Were accomplished by people not smart
Enough to know they were impossible.

When one door closes

When one door closes
another door opens;
But we so often look
so long a!nd so regretfully
Upon the closed door,
that we do not see the ones
Which open for us

Luck is not in your hand

Luck is not in your hand.
But work is in your hand.
So sincere@ effort will never fail.

The fear of failure is only
a fear of failing; have faith,
Trust and believe in your abilities
to succeed in all that you do.
Ride the !waves of overcoming
inabilities by making them
abilities of joyous successes!

Courage to Grow up

"It takes courage
to grow up
and be@ally are."

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Time is like a River

Time is like a river,
you@ cannot touch
the same water twice,
because the
flow that has
passed will
never pass again.
enjoy every
moment in life.

Live with no Regrets

Laugh in the Sunshine,
Kiss in the Rain.
Celebrate the Happiness,
Learn from the Pain.
Live, laug@h, Love & Forget.
Life is too short
to live with Regrets..

"Today" does not Matter

Every king was once a crying child and
every great building was once a blueprint.
It doesn't matter, where u r today,
but where u'll be Tomorrow.

Difference b/w History and Victory

Diamond words of Hitler;
One who wins without problem it is just;
One w@ho wins with lot of troubles;
that is HISTORY...

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Live with a Warrior Spirit

Those Who Appear
In Your Life
Whether To Help Or
To Ha@rm You Are
All Given By GOD
Meet All Of Them With
A Peaceful Heart But
With A Warrior’s Spirit
You’ll Fail Many Times
In Failing You’ll Learn
And In Learning You’ll
Find Your Way.
Remember There Are
No Mistakes In Life
Onl@y Lessons &
Lessons Will Keep
Repeating Themselves On
Until Learned…

Power of Imaginaton

All the breaks you need in life
wait within your im@agination,
Imagination is the workshop of your mind,
capable of turning mind energy
into accomplishment and wealth.

Be what nature intended you for

Whatever you are by nature, keep to it,
Never desert your line of talent.
Be what nature intended you for
you for sure will succeed.

Sun's Brighteness

At times, even the Sun’s brightness
is overshadowed by clouds.
Why can’t yours?
No matter how dark
and dense the clouds may be,
Sun will shine back.
And it wil@ you........

“If you want to Shine like sun,
first you will have to Burn like it.”
Let that fire c@atch with in you..

Achieve what you want

If you don’t go
after what you want,
you’ll never have it.
If you don’t ask,
the answer is always no.
If you don@’t step forward,
you’re always in
the same place …

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All successful people are Deamers

All successful people men
and women are big dreamers.
They im@agine what their future could be,
they believe in it,
are ideal in every respect,
and then they work every day
toward their distant vision,
that goal or purpose.

The way the Champions are made

“Champions aren't made in the gym.
Champions are made from
something they h@ave deep inside………
……….. a Desire , a Dream, a Vision ”

Idea Of Becoming Someone

Drop The Idea Of Becoming Someone,
You Are Already A Masterpiece.
You Canno@t Be Improved.
You Have Only To Come To It,
To Know It and To Realize It..

A man walking on a Bridge

A man was walking on a shaking bridge.
He prayed for help!
He saw God on d other side
of d bridge & asked God to come near..
But God didn't come.
Man got angry.
With great difficulty he crossed
to d other side & saw
God holding d@ broken bridge..
Trust him..
His ways r amazing!!

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Stages of Success

When we are
on a mission for SUCCESS,
We have to cross 3 stages
Fools stop at d 1st
Losers stop at d 2nd
Winners cross d 3rd

Victory is at our Feet

A Very True Thought:
"Victory is always at our feet"
"But the problems is that
we are lazy to bend"...!

An Inch of Time is an Inch of Gold

Try to understand this msg,
then u can reach a@ny height in ur life..
"An inch of time is an inch of gold,
but u can’t buy that inch of time
with any inch of gold"..

Keys to fulfill ur Dreams

Fly like a bird every time
to reach d@ blue sky of victory
hard work and strong determination r ur wings
they r d keys for ur dreams

The thing always happens....
that you really believe in.
and the belief in a thing....
makes it happen

Falling down is not the Defeat

If we fight, we may not always win,
but if we don@’t fight we'll surely lose.
falling down is not a defeat,
defeat is wen u refuse 2 get up....

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Three lines for Success

Thought 4 d Day
3 sentences of success by William Shakespeare.
1-know more than other.
2-work more than other.
3-expect less tha@n other

Ready to Face all the Questions.

Confidence Do@esn't come when you have All the answers...
But It comes when you are ready to Face all the Questions..!

If u take more time to get success

Never get ups@et if u take more time to get success than others!
A Pyramid takes more time to build than an ordinary Building
