Happy Quotes Now Quotes 2017

  1. ⧭They say money doesn't bring happiness, ⧭⧭but everyone still wants to prove it for themselves⧭⧭ 

  2. ⧭If people are talking behind your back, be happy that you are the one in front. - 

  3. ⧭When I was small I thought money and fame brought all the happiness in the world. Now that I'm grown up, ⬇I know I was right. 

  4. ⧭Happiness does not have a price tag so smile. 

  5. ⧭Beer is proof God Loves us and wants us to be happy. 

  6. ⧭Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million but I was just as happy when I had $48 million. 

  7. My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.

  8. ⬈⬈Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go⧭⧭

  9. ⬑⬑In life, we must find happiness. ⬐⬐I've been looking everywhere and still haven't found it. - 

  10. Money doesn't make happiness, it buys it already made. 

  11. The hardest thing to find in life is happiness - money is only hard to find because it gets wasted trying to find happiness. 

  12. ⬉Happiness: The emotion that puts your face in motion. Fear: The emotion that puts your legs in motion. Anger: The emotion that puts your fist in motion. Lesson: Don't be afraid or angry and you won't have to run and fight⬉⬉

  13. ⧭So much for trusting the Mayan Calendar. New Year resolution: Use my cell phone calendar! Happy new year 2018.

  14. ⧭⧭What are the two magic words that you can always use to make a shark happy⬉⬉Man Overboard⬈⬈ 

  15. ⬊The richer you get, the more expensive happiness becomes⬊⬊

  16. ⧭Everyone wants your happiness. ⬉Don't let them take it!

  17. ⧭The secret to happiness is not to do ⬉what makes you happy, it's to be happy doing what you're already doing.

  18. ⬉For 2018 I wish you 12 months of happiness, 52 weeks of fun, 365 days of success, 8760 hours of great health and 525600 lucky minutes! Happy New Year

  19. ⬈I didn't find out what happiness means until I got married... and then it was too late.

  20. ⬉Most of the time... when you're crying, nobody notices your tears. Most of the time... when ⬱you're worried, nobody feels your pain. 🔝Most of the time⬈when you're happy, nobody sees your smile. But when you fart ⬊just one time.
