सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं
short sms new message2017
- Always
- remember to be
- happy because
- you n~ever know
- who's falling in
- love with your
- smile.
- Keep smiling ...
- Keep smiling
- And
- One day life will
- Get tired of upsetting
- You
- Opportunity like an ice cream
- Opportunity
- Is
- Like
- An
- Ice
- if
- you
- think
- More
- about
- it
- It Melts
- If you really love someone
- If yo~u really love someone,
- Don't tell them,
- Show them.
- U and ur feelings
- You And Your Feelings
- Are Important To Your
- Friends
- Till
- They Are Single
- A single rose & friend
- A single rose can be my garden
- A single friend, my world.
- Marry someone who can cook
- Marry Someone Who Can COOK
- LOVE Fades,
- HUNGER Doesn’t
- :-P
- Past is a nice place to visit,
- Past is a nice place to visit,
- Certainly not a good place to stay.
- The tongue~ has no bones,
- but is strong enough to break a heart.
- So be careful with your words.
- Whom women listens carefully
- The only perso~n to whom
- women listens carefully
- is a photographer .. :p
- Love between blind couple
- I stopped thinking about
- Beauty
- When i saw love between
- blind couple
- Hard w~ork & Talen
- Hard work beats talen
- When
- Talent doesn't work hard.
- ~Tim notke
- Good FRIENDS are hard to find,
- Good FRIENDS are hard to find,
- harder t~o leave,
- and impossible to forget.
- My love covers u like warm blanket
- If you are cold at night,
- let the promise of my
- love cover you like a
- 'warm blanket'
- Time to improve yourself
- "Give So Much Time
- To Improve Yourself
- That You Have No Time
- To Criticise Others".
- Friendship
- ~Must Never Be Buried
- Under The Weight Of
- Misunderstanding
- Yun meray khat ka jawab aaya...
- Yun mer~ay khat ka jawab aaya...
- Lifafay main aik gulaab aaya
- Invisible miracl
- To Love
- Someone Is To See
- A Miracle Invisible To
- Others
- Happiness is ...
- Happiness is not a station you arrive at,
- but a manner of traveling...
- Short Kiss Day Message
- Love is heat.
- You a~re sweet.
- When two Lips meet.
- Love is complete.
- Lots of kisses for you on this Kiss Day
- I am sorry
- How can I begin to say I am sorry.
- I didnt m~ean to upset you.
- I hope that you can forgive me.
- I am sorry.
- Hide and Seek
- "Let's Play
- HIDE n SEEK ...
- I'll Hide Behind
- Your Back
- And
- When You Start
- Seeking For Me ...
- I'll Rush To You
- Arms .. � � "
- 140 Characters Happy New Year Wish
- To End Something Old,
- Will Start Something New,
- Wishing You With Mighty Heart,
- Though The Words Are Very Few!
- Happy New Year
- Happy First Mo~ther's Day Wish
- Wishing you a Mother's Day that's Marvellous!
- Happy First Mother's Day!
- Mother's Day Message To Newly Married / Mother-To-Be!
- You're goi~ng to have a ball...and a baby!!!
- Happy Mother's Day To The Mother-To-Be!
- Short Happy New Ye~ar 2017 Poetry / Poem
- Let Us Welcome The New Year,
- Give The Happy Adieu To The Old,
- Start The New Beginning Without Fear,
- And Cherish The Memories We Hold!
- My Special New Year Wish
- Fun, Joy, Happiness,
- Peace, Love, Luck, Will Come Near,
- With My ~Special Wish
- Happy New Year!
- Brightened New Year
- May happy times
- and
- w~arm memories
- brighten your New Year.
- Spirit of Happy New year ...
- May the spirit of the season of
- New year fill your heart
- with sereni~ty and peace.
- Wish you a happy new year!
- Good / Bad ... Happy New Year
- Vanish everyth~ing that's bad,
- Welcome everything that's good
- Wish you a very happy new year.
- ~
- Short Happy New Year MSG
- Lets
- ring
- this
- new~
- year
- with
- only
- good
- things
- wish you a happy new year.
एक टिप्पणी भेजें