Let Us Be Grateful To The
People Who Make Us Happy
They Are The Charming
Gardeners Who Make Our
Souls Blossom
Happy Thanksgiving
A Day Spent in your Company
Thank u for inviting us
To ur Thanksgiving dinner
A day spent in ur company
Is invariably a winner.
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A Grand Salute to our Parents
At age 1 , they would have lost
their sleep to take cate of u.
At age 10 , they would have lost
their favorite things to pay ur school fees.
At age 18 they would have lost
their savings to give u graduation.
At age 22 they would have lost
their respect to get u a job, to keep u rich ,
They would have not even purchased cloths
for them self to make u lead a luxurious life,
They would have not even taken care of their health.
They are the two who sheds their personal interest
for ur happy life.. so never hurt our parents..
A grand salute to our parents for their sacrifices..
Thank you parents!
Honored to have u in my Life
On this Thanksgiving Day
I wish to say that
I m honored to have u
In my life
Thanks for loving
and caring for me.
Provide peace to the Whole World
To Lord;
we beg but one boon more:
Provide peace to the whole world.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Dinner...
May ur stuffing b tasty
May ur turkey plump,
May ur potatoes & gravy
Have never a lump.
May ur yams b delicious
& ur pies take da prize,
& may ur Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off ur thighs!
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Gluttony becomes a Patriotic duty
Thanksgiving is America’s national chow-down feast,
The one occasion each year when,
Gluttony becomes a patriotic duty.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is Possible Only for Those...
Thanksgiving is possible only for those
Who take time to remember;
No one can give thanks
If they have a short memory!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Be Thankful to God for Everything
Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant
before receiving a meal.
Rather, it’s a way to live,
Being thankful to God for everything you have.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for Being So Generous
Thnk u 4 being so generous
thoughtful & so true.
& thnk u most of all
4 just being u.
You are the most special person in my life.
You are my friend, philosopher, guide and lot more.
Thanks for being there always!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Treasures Life has given us
We can only be said to be alive in those moments
When our hearts are conscious
of the treasures life has given us!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Heap High the Board with Plenteous Cheer...
Heap high the board with plenteous cheer
And gather to the feast,
Toast the sturdy Pilgrim band
Whose courage never ceased.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to our Loyal Friends...
We're pleased 2 say Thnk U 2 our
loyal frnds at dis time of Thnkfulness
Thank Full Moments To God....
Happy moments, praise God
Difficult moments, seek God
B.z moments, bless God
Quiet moments, worship God
Waiting moments, trust God
Painful moments, touch God
Lovely moments, thnk God
Bright lights of ur Friendship
A single candle can illuminate
an entire room
A true friend like u
Dazzles up an entire lifetime
Thanks for gifting the bright lights
of ur friendship.
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Thank u for being so generous
Thank u for being so generous
thoughtful and so true.
And thank you most of all
for just being u.
Be Thankful for Little you have..
Who does not thank for little
Will not thank for much.
Remember to @be thankful for everything you have!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your Thanksgiving be Blessed with...
Da year yi@elds its harvest
sharing aboundant blessings
may ur thnksgiving b blessed
wid fruitfullness & over flowing love
Happy Thnksgiving
May your Home be filled with Love and Happiness
This thnksgiving may ur home b
filled wid da Lord loving presence
abounding in da fullness of HIS JOY
& da gift of His peace
as u reflect upon da blessings
he has bestowed upon u.
Thnksgiving comes bt once a year
Bt when it comes it brings gud cheer
4 in my s2re@house on dis day
R piles of good things hid away
Each day I've worked 4rm early morn
2 gadar acorns, nuts, & corn.
Always thank God for Less or More
Whether we have less or more,
We alwa@ys thank God therefore.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Happy Thnksgiving are my Wishes for you !
All dase & many more r my wishes 4 u. !
Happy Thnksgiving....
Creator continue to dwell above the sky
Our Creator shall continue to dwell above the sky,
And that is where those on earth will end their thanksgiving.
Happy T@hanksgiving!
The Year has Turned Its Circle...
Da year has turned its circle
Da seasons come & go
Da harvest all is gathered in
& chilly north winds blow.
The Heart of Gratitude
Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year;
But, for a@n honest man, it comes as frequently as
The heart of gratitude allows.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Gratitude 4 Everything
I receive ALL of life wid Thnksgiving
I have g@ratitude 4 Everything
Dat have ever occurred 2 bring me
2 dis moment. I give thnks 4 da joys
Give thanks to all those who have...
"Give thnks 2 all those who have gone
B4 u who ha@ve doubted da status quo
& who have identified injustice &
Impatiently fought against it".
The most special person in my Life
U r da mst special person in my life.
U r my friend, philosopher, guide & lot more.
Thnks 4 coming in my life.
We are Thankful for your Blessings all Year
On Thnksgiving Day we're thnkful 4
your blessings all year through
4 family we dearly love,
4 good frnds, old & new.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for
He is Good and Holy. I also thank you for
always being beside me. Happy Thanksgiving!
Highest Appreciation is not to Utter Words
As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that
the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Thanksgiving is Nothing if not a Glad
Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and
Reverent lifting of the heart to God
In honor and praise for His goodness.
Happy Thanksgi@ving!
Sending our love on this Thanksgiving Day!
Missing you and sending our love
for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Thanks for this and thanks for that
Thanks for this and thanks for that,
Thanks for the known and thanks for the unknown,
Thanks for the things loved and for the unloved
Thanks thanks thanks ..
Happy ThanksGiving!
Thank You Sms...!
T-here's richness in a love for life
H-ere amon@g the valentines,
A-king and queen as man and wife:
N-ot leaning towards what lust inclines;
K-nowing well the needs of state
Y-on reg@al grace alone attends,
O-n which the peace, both small and great,
U-ndone by doubt, alone depends.
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He who thanks only with lips
He who thanks only with lips
Thanks in part;
True Tha@nksgiving
Always comes from the heart.
Happy Thanksgiving!
People Who Make Us Happy
They Are The Charming
Gardeners Who Make Our
Souls Blossom
Happy Thanksgiving
A Day Spent in your Company
Thank u for inviting us
To ur Thanksgiving dinner
A day spent in ur company
Is invariably a winner.
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A Grand Salute to our Parents
At age 1 , they would have lost
their sleep to take cate of u.
At age 10 , they would have lost
their favorite things to pay ur school fees.
At age 18 they would have lost
their savings to give u graduation.
At age 22 they would have lost
their respect to get u a job, to keep u rich ,
They would have not even purchased cloths
for them self to make u lead a luxurious life,
They would have not even taken care of their health.
They are the two who sheds their personal interest
for ur happy life.. so never hurt our parents..
A grand salute to our parents for their sacrifices..
Thank you parents!
Honored to have u in my Life
On this Thanksgiving Day
I wish to say that
I m honored to have u
In my life
Thanks for loving
and caring for me.
Provide peace to the Whole World
To Lord;
we beg but one boon more:
Provide peace to the whole world.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Dinner...
May ur stuffing b tasty
May ur turkey plump,
May ur potatoes & gravy
Have never a lump.
May ur yams b delicious
& ur pies take da prize,
& may ur Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off ur thighs!
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Gluttony becomes a Patriotic duty
Thanksgiving is America’s national chow-down feast,
The one occasion each year when,
Gluttony becomes a patriotic duty.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is Possible Only for Those...
Thanksgiving is possible only for those
Who take time to remember;
No one can give thanks
If they have a short memory!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Be Thankful to God for Everything
Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant
before receiving a meal.
Rather, it’s a way to live,
Being thankful to God for everything you have.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for Being So Generous
Thnk u 4 being so generous
thoughtful & so true.
& thnk u most of all
4 just being u.
You are the most special person in my life.
You are my friend, philosopher, guide and lot more.
Thanks for being there always!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The Treasures Life has given us
We can only be said to be alive in those moments
When our hearts are conscious
of the treasures life has given us!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Heap High the Board with Plenteous Cheer...
Heap high the board with plenteous cheer
And gather to the feast,
Toast the sturdy Pilgrim band
Whose courage never ceased.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to our Loyal Friends...
We're pleased 2 say Thnk U 2 our
loyal frnds at dis time of Thnkfulness
Thank Full Moments To God....
Happy moments, praise God
Difficult moments, seek God
B.z moments, bless God
Quiet moments, worship God
Waiting moments, trust God
Painful moments, touch God
Lovely moments, thnk God
Bright lights of ur Friendship
A single candle can illuminate
an entire room
A true friend like u
Dazzles up an entire lifetime
Thanks for gifting the bright lights
of ur friendship.
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Thank u for being so generous
Thank u for being so generous
thoughtful and so true.
And thank you most of all
for just being u.
Be Thankful for Little you have..
Who does not thank for little
Will not thank for much.
Remember to @be thankful for everything you have!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your Thanksgiving be Blessed with...
Da year yi@elds its harvest
sharing aboundant blessings
may ur thnksgiving b blessed
wid fruitfullness & over flowing love
Happy Thnksgiving
May your Home be filled with Love and Happiness
This thnksgiving may ur home b
filled wid da Lord loving presence
abounding in da fullness of HIS JOY
& da gift of His peace
as u reflect upon da blessings
he has bestowed upon u.
Thnksgiving comes bt once a year
Bt when it comes it brings gud cheer
4 in my s2re@house on dis day
R piles of good things hid away
Each day I've worked 4rm early morn
2 gadar acorns, nuts, & corn.
Always thank God for Less or More
Whether we have less or more,
We alwa@ys thank God therefore.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Happy Thnksgiving are my Wishes for you !
All dase & many more r my wishes 4 u. !
Happy Thnksgiving....
Creator continue to dwell above the sky
Our Creator shall continue to dwell above the sky,
And that is where those on earth will end their thanksgiving.
Happy T@hanksgiving!
The Year has Turned Its Circle...
Da year has turned its circle
Da seasons come & go
Da harvest all is gathered in
& chilly north winds blow.
The Heart of Gratitude
Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year;
But, for a@n honest man, it comes as frequently as
The heart of gratitude allows.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Gratitude 4 Everything
I receive ALL of life wid Thnksgiving
I have g@ratitude 4 Everything
Dat have ever occurred 2 bring me
2 dis moment. I give thnks 4 da joys
Give thanks to all those who have...
"Give thnks 2 all those who have gone
B4 u who ha@ve doubted da status quo
& who have identified injustice &
Impatiently fought against it".
The most special person in my Life
U r da mst special person in my life.
U r my friend, philosopher, guide & lot more.
Thnks 4 coming in my life.
We are Thankful for your Blessings all Year
On Thnksgiving Day we're thnkful 4
your blessings all year through
4 family we dearly love,
4 good frnds, old & new.
Let us give thanks to the Lord for
He is Good and Holy. I also thank you for
always being beside me. Happy Thanksgiving!
Highest Appreciation is not to Utter Words
As we express our gratitude,
we must never forget that
the highest appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Thanksgiving is Nothing if not a Glad
Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and
Reverent lifting of the heart to God
In honor and praise for His goodness.
Happy Thanksgi@ving!
Sending our love on this Thanksgiving Day!
Missing you and sending our love
for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
Thanks for this and thanks for that
Thanks for this and thanks for that,
Thanks for the known and thanks for the unknown,
Thanks for the things loved and for the unloved
Thanks thanks thanks ..
Happy ThanksGiving!
Thank You Sms...!
T-here's richness in a love for life
H-ere amon@g the valentines,
A-king and queen as man and wife:
N-ot leaning towards what lust inclines;
K-nowing well the needs of state
Y-on reg@al grace alone attends,
O-n which the peace, both small and great,
U-ndone by doubt, alone depends.
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He who thanks only with lips
He who thanks only with lips
Thanks in part;
True Tha@nksgiving
Always comes from the heart.
Happy Thanksgiving!
एक टिप्पणी भेजें